Tier 1 – Just-in-sequence Bumper Identification

Just in sequence (JIS) productions benefit from a component identification directly on the component, which can be utilised by Tier 1 and by automotive manufacturers alike.

Through UHF-RFID systems, Turck and their integration partners have created a solution that guarantees reliable UHF identification in the near field as well as over long distances. In addition to the connection of HF and UHF readers, Turck's modular RFID system BL ident also allows the connection of trigger signals to BL gateways.

Your Benefits

  • UHF smart labels for the RFID system BL ident are attached directly to the bumper, forming the basis for highly efficient bumper manufacture and JIS delivery to the automotive manufacturer
  • The data carriers allow unique identification of bumper types and versions
  • Intelligent processing of RFID data all the way to MES and ERP systems


  • L'operatore colloca il paraurti nella cassa da trasporto indicata dal sistema

  • Il display segnala un errore in caso di errori di posizionamento

  • La testina di lettura/scrittura UHF di Turck TN865-Q175

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